
Home made beauty packs for different skin types for skincare

Depending on the nature of the skin
 Face packs can be made at home

 Maintaining the radiance and youthfulness of the facial skin is a big challenge, especially as the age graph rises.  Can't you set aside half an hour for your face once a week?  At this time, try a face pack that can be easily prepared at home.  This face pack can be applied on the face for 20 minutes at any time while chopping vegetables, dressing or folding wet clothes.  But with good credit, you might find exactly what you need.  You can choose one of the following face packs.

 For dry skin
 Take one egg yolk, add a tablespoon of milk powder and half a tablespoon of honey and beat well. Apply it on the face for 20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.
 Add tomato juice, honey and multani mud and apply on the face and rinse off after 20 minutes.
 Add half a teaspoon of honey to the mixture of robusta, papaya and orange, apply on the face and rinse off after 15 minutes.
 Pack mixed with barley and soy milk is good for dry skin.
 Add multani mud to carrot juice and apply on face and wash off after 15 minutes.
 Applying milk and apples on the face will reduce the dryness of the skin.
 Add half a teaspoon of almond oil to a teaspoon of oatmeal and apply on the face.  After half an hour, rinse with lukewarm water.

 For oily skin
 Add two tablespoons of papaya pulp and one teaspoon of lemon juice.  Apply it on the face and wash off with lukewarm water.

 Finely grind mint, aryaveppila and musk and apply it on the face.  Rinse after half an hour.
 Add milk and seaweed and apply on face for 20 minutes.
 Finely chop the blood sandalwood and immature musk for acne.  Helps to reduce oily skin and remove blemishes.
 Mix one teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of multani mud and one egg white and apply and wash off when dry.

 For normal skin
 Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.  Add yoghurt and apply on face for 15 minutes .After washing the face, apply any cold cream.
 Apply Kumbalanga juice on the face and rinse off after 20 minutes.
 Add a teaspoon of honey, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and five drops of glycerin and apply on the face.  Rinse after 20 minutes .The face will get a good glow.
 Add seaweed flour, musk turmeric and lemon juice and apply on the neck to change the black color.
 Mix lemon juice and tomato juice and apply on face and rinse off after half an hour.

 The current doubt is whether you should choose Facebook if you know what kind of skin you have.  There is a way to find it.  As soon as you get up in the morning, stick a tissue paper on your face and check it after a while.  If you have oily skin, you may see total oily spots on the paper.  If you have dry skin, don't even stick it on your face.  It will be so dry.  Even if the paper sticks, you will not see any big spots and at the same time it will not be very dry.  That is normal skin.
 Sometimes the forehead, nose and chin are numbered almost in the shape of the English letter T.
 Other areas, such as the cheeks, mouth, and eyelids, may also be dry.  This is the combination skin.  People with this skin need to be treated accordingly for dry areas and oily areas accordingly.

 Apart from this, you can also make protective packs for face and limbs.  Not only does it brighten the skin but it also relieves fatigue and makes the person feel fresh.

 To brighten the face
 Add a pinch of turmeric powder to three tablespoons of peanut flour. Add a tablespoon of milk to it, knead and apply on the face.
 Multani mud and sandalwood can be mixed with rose water and rinsed off when the face is dry.  Applying mint leaves and turmeric on the face will make the acne disappear.
 A mixture of tomato juice, pea powder and sandalwood can be applied on the face and rinsed off when dry.

 The beauty of the lips
 The petals of the rose flower can be peeled into seven or eight pieces and rolled into a paste and mixed with milk to pack on the lips.  It should be removed before it starts to dry.
 Carrot juice, glycerin and milk can be applied evenly on the lips and rinsed off after 10 minutes.  Apply red onion juice, honey and glycerin evenly on the lips.
 For pale lips, you can rub your hands with honey to get red color

 Hands can be beautiful
 Adding vegetable broth and carrot juice and applying it regularly on the hands will soften the skin.
 Blood sandalwood can be mixed with ramacham and made into a paste and applied on the hands.
 Mix mint leaves and lemon leaves with lemon juice and apply on hands.
 Grind almonds in a tablespoon of unpasteurized milk and apply by hand.

 For the legs
 Add the juice of one lemon and a teaspoon of glycerin and apply on the feet and rinse off after 10 minutes.  Applying good fermented yoghurt on the feet will help to open the pores of the skin. After 10 minutes, wash off and apply a pack of orange juice mixed with multani mud.
 Roast ripe papaya and apply it to get a good color.

Whatever skin you have, you should some things to beautify your skin

 Rinse skin three to four times daily.  Do not use soap when washing.  Mild baby soap or face wash is good for the face .Do not use hot water on the face.  Drink plenty of water. Include more vegetables in the form of salad and fruits available each season. Reduce fried and fried foods, bakery sweets and chocolate.  Good sleep.  Calm famous mind.  When you look at the skin with all this, your face will glow in a way that will tell anyone that you do not know the age.

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