Winter has come with a thousand beauty problems. Drying hair, rough skin, drying of lips, cracked feet and son on problems do not end there. It's time to pay close attention to your beauty. The routine should start with the daily bath itself. Every day before bathing, apply oil all over the body and massage. The use of soap should be minimized. Pea powder or gram flour can also be used instead of soap. Apply oil on the scalp and bathe at least two days a week. Shampoo use should be minimized. Do not forget to dry and tie your hair before leaving your home.
The intensity of the sun during winter is high. So it is better to not to go out in the sun. If so, apply sunscreen lotion on face and limbs. It is better to apply a little bit of yoghurt or curd on the face immediately after you reach at home. Apply a mixture of turmeric and milk daily on the face and wash off after half an hour. This is a way to protect the skin from becoming dry. Frequent application of ripe papaya, cucumber juice, tomato juice or carrot juice on the face is beneficial. Apply any moisturizing cream on the body immediately after bathing. Apply butter or ghee from time to time to prevent the peeling and cracking of lips . Keep your feet clean at all times. Apply foot cream on the feet immediately after bathing. Apply henna and turmeric once a week on the feet and wash them off after a while to prevent cracking of the feet. Do not use tight shoes at this time. Drink plenty of water and wash your face, neck and limbs frequently with cold water. Massage with a mixture of glycerin and sugar to keep your hands soft and dry. Rub your hands and feet with cold cream every night before going to bed. Seek treatment for cracking of the legs. It is also advisable to massage the body once a week with any of the oils, creams and baby oils that contain vitamin E.
Skin diseases like Eczema worse during winter season. Do not try self-medication and seek the help of a dermatologist. Itching occurs when the skin is dry. Don't wrestle with all the nails and skin for that one excitement. The result will be black spots. Apply calamine lotion or tulsi juice. Avoid cold foods and drinks as much as possible. Covering the ears and neck at night and gargling with warm and salty water before going to bed at night is a precaution against winter illnesses. This is the time when the body needs more food. This is a natural movement of the body to warm itself to fight the cold. If you put your mind, you can improve your body in a single winter .If you do not want it, you can try hot soups made with vegetables or low fat meat instead of heavy food.