The role of honey in beauty enhancement is generally undisputed. Honey had an important place in the cosmetics used by princesses and others, even in centuries-old stories, because Cleopatra's bath with milk and honey and the most important ingredient used by the wife of Roman Emperor Nero for facial cosmetics was made of milk and honey mixture in the 1800s. Honey has become a commodity and honey is still at the forefront in this regard. Naturally occurring honey is used for minor burns etc.
Water is one of the biggest needs of the skin. As we go older, the skin loses its ability to retain moisture and the skin becomes dry and wrinkled. Studies show that honey can help protect the skin. It can also be used to moisturize the skin. Honey is used even in substances. It is better to mix one-fourth of a cup of honey in bath water. For facial beauty, add two tablespoons of honey to one teaspoon of milk. Apply it on the face and neck. Rinse with water after ten minutes.
Honey also helps to protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Drink a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of tulsi leaf juice on an empty stomach for 60 days during the day will make your cheeks blush. Eat more fruits daily for beauty enhancement and drink an ounce of honey every day with that . Add one teaspoon of honey to a glass of carrot juice and 3tsp of cucumber juice and drink this daily at night for body lightness. To get rid of wrinkles add 1tsp honey to one by four of carrot juice and mix it well. Apply it on face and rinse off after half an hour.