Dead cells are shedding from our body day by day. This also happens on our head. Usually about 4-5 lakhs of dead cells are subside daily. However it becomes dandruff when the falling gets high ie. the amount becomes 8-10 lakhs. Sebum also produced on our head in order that the dead cells will calm down on the scalp and it gets thicken afterwards. This is often called Dandruff. Besides dandruff, many folks are having itching by dandruff. It's because certain bacteria and fungus are causing infection on our scalp. the primary step of the treatment is to destroy such bacteria and fungus. Therefore the second step is to get rid of the dead cells correctly. There are tons of products like anti- dandruff shampoo available within the market. And there are tablets for intake.
Dandruff starts to grow mainly during the adolescence period. Children from1-12 age having dandruff quite structure on the scalp isn't really dandruff, but it's some quite dandruff like disease of the skin . Usually dandruff appears on your scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, chest hair, beard or moustache etc. And is very affected to people with dry skin, having seborrheic eczema , psoriasis etc. there's the idea that dandruff will spread if you employ a comb or towel of an individual who have dandruff. Dandruff grows due to our skin disease .
We know the main symptoms of dandruff that's the flaking and therefore the mild itching as we already experienced or seen in advertisements. Another one is that the small abscesses on your scalp.
There are many reasons for dandruff formation.
# Hereditary
# global climate change
# Use of various oils
# Stress
Dandruff can't be remove completely but can control it. you ought to not use high bleaching soap or shampoo because it results skin irritation. Use water to scrub your scalp. you ought to clean your your scalp once in four days. you'll apply virgin copra oil during that point . There are some natural treatments for normal dandruff. They are:
# Use 2 egg whites and blend it well to scrub your scalp.
# Take some juice and blend it with water and apply on your scalp. For those who having seborrheic eczema or psoriasis should use this because it's highly acidic.
# Apply Tea tree oil.
# Mix some bicarbonate of soda with water and apply it on your scalp and wash it off.
# Sea bath is additionally a decent treatment.
# Take some fenugreek and soak in water overnight. At the morning grind it in to a paste and add one albumen and a few lemon juice to that. Apply this mix on your scalp before bathing.
# Soak some neem leaves in water overnight. At the morning wash your scalp thereupon water.
# Keep some porridge water overnight. within the morning you'll see the starch content of the porridge water had settled down. Strain the water and apply the starch content on your scalp before bathing.
# Eat pro-biotic food items like curd, yoghurt etc.
# Omega 3 fatty acid foods
# Foods enriched with vitamin C
# Foods having vitamin E
# olive oil
# Nuts
The natural hand-crafted treatments are enough for normal dandruff. But if it's severe or if you've got skin diseases like eczema, seborrheic eczema , or psoriasis you ought to immediately see a skin specialist.